
Bachelor of Information Management-BIM,TU

The Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) programme is a four year (eight semester) programme of Tribhuvan University offering an integrated IT and Management Courses. This course is envisaged to enable students to develop skill in information technology, and at the same time make them able to understand the professional expertise while they occupy decision making positions. In Nepal more than 26  Business/IT colleges offers Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) program with affiliation from Tribhuvan University.

Information Management is the study of information and communication systems in business and administration, and is becoming increasingly relevant to other fields as well. Information Management includes development and application of theories, ideas, models, methods, and tools in order to analyze, configure, and use information systems.

Information Management relies on approaches used in business administration, economics, and computer science; it integrates these and supplements them with approaches that are specific to this subject area. The program is interdisciplinary in nature and courses are borrowed from many different disciplines like Management, Economics, Computer Science, Psychology and Sociology.

The Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) is a special purpose program in semester system designed to develop socially responsible, scientifically approached / creative, and result oriented Information Technology (IT) professionals. The program intends to equip students with the skills and attributes required to be effective and efficient IT professionals.


    • Students who have passed 10+2(Can be from any stream be it , Management, Hotel Management, Science, or Humanities) or equivalent examinations from recognized academic institute with second division (securing 45% and above) or 1.8 CGPA


    •  Successfully completed a twelve years schooling or equivalent from any University, Board or Institution recognized by Tribhuvan University securing a minimum of second division in the twelve year schooling or equivalent.

Merit List

    • Admissions of the students in BIM program of Tribhuvan University will be strictly on the basis of merit list. Merit list is prepared on the basis of:
      1. 60% of CMAT Entrance examination
      2. 30% of marks secured in percentage in plus two or equivalent
      3. 10% Interview

Study Progression Till Batch 2077

English Composition ENG201
Computer Information System ITC211
Principles of Management MGT201
Basic Mathematics MTH201
Digital Logic Design ITC212
Sociology for Business SOC 201
Discrete Mathematics and Its Application MTH 202
Business Communication MGT 204
Structured Programming IT 213
Data Communication and Computer Networks IT 214
Financial Accounting ACC 201
Web Programming I IT 215
JAVA Programming – I IT 216
Computer Organization IT 217
Business Statistics STT 201
Cost and Management Accounting ACC 202
Microeconomics ECO 201
Data Structure and Algorithm with Java IT 218
Web Technology - II IT 219
Database Management System IT 220
Fundamentals of Marketing MKT 201
Microeconomics ECO 202
Computer Graphics IT 221
Advance Internetworking IT 2223
Java Programming – II IT 222

Study Progression Batch 2078 onwards

BACHELOR OF BUSINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (BIM) Curriculum Effective from the Academic Batch 2021 AD


1.Perfect Balance between Computer Science and Management.

2.Accepted all over the world.

3.Compulsory internship and projects.

4.One of the best  designed Technical course.

Objectives of the Program

1.Prepare IT professionals proficient in the use of computers and computational techniques in order to develop effective information systems to solve real life problems in the organizational milieu

2.Develop students’ skill in object-oriented software design methods and data management systems.

3.Provide professional training to students by combining information technology with managerial skills

4.Prepare students to proceed on to post graduate level study in information management within and outside the country

BIM Prospectus_2024

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