Notice: Effective from tomorrow, January 24, 2024, the BIM 7th/76 classes are officially concluded. We also extend our best wishes for success in the upcoming final examinations.
Important notice Dear students, you are required to obtain an admit card from the administration for the external exam lab by 10th of Magh 2080. Failure to present the admit card will result in denial of access to the examination hall. Thank you Jaikishan Kumar
Note: All students from their respective batches are mandated to be present in the exam hall, accompanied by the following items: Internal Admin card (issued by the campus upon clearing dues), laptop, stationery, lab copy, and for those opting for the Digital Lab, kindly bring your breadboard and other required components The date […]
Notice: Clearance of Semester Dues Required for Exam Registration Dear Students (BIM2076), This is a reminder to all concerned that the deadline for clearing semester dues is approaching. We regret to inform you that we cannot grant any further extension. Please be advised that exam registration forms will not be accepted until the completion of […]
Dear students, This is to inform you that your external lab exam is scheduled from the 12th of Magh, 2080, Friday. The detailed timetable will be published soon. All respective students are required to complete their lab copies and clear any remaining dues beforehand. Please note that uncleared dues may result in being debarred from […]
Terminal pre board bim 7th pre board